7th January 2021

Hello Everyone. As promised, I have been steadfast in releasing chapters each day.

Chapter 39: Elder Montgomery, is now live and that means, we are almost at the end of our journey.

That's right! Just two more chapters to publish, then Hades and Lydia's story will come to an end.


2nd January 2021

Hey Everyone, I hope you all had a safe but enjoyable New Years. I know it's been a while since I posted an update for Alpha Hades, but that doesn't meant I have not been hard at it working on releasing the content.

I am excited to put out a double update today, Chapters 33 and 34 are live!! Check them out on Goodnovel and stay with us, as moving forward, I will be doing daily updates as we close in on the end of Hades' and Lydia's Journey.

30th December 2020

Dracovia is now available through BookSprout, for those who have read it through Goodnovel, or have seen it and wish to read in a different format.

Please find it on this link and do leave a review as I dearly wish to know what readers think of it.

cover mock up

20th December 2020

Alpha Hades and The Red Rose - Chapter 25: The Dungeon. Is live now for all to read on GoodNovel I hope you enjoy this next installment. I endeavor to begin regular updates once again soon.

18th December 2020

So I received 2 really sweet reader reviews and both asked me the same thing, 'When will there be another update?' I admit finding time to add to this novel has been difficult recently, but the two ladies who reached out to me, touched me in a good way and got my creative fires burning again. So I am excited to announce, not 1 but 2 new chapter updates for 'Alpha Hades and The Red Rose' Chapters 23 and 24 now live !! Enjoy my lovelies, and there will be more to come, soon.

Equivale Ebook Cover

12th December 2020

IT's here! Book 2: Equivale: Finding His Heart - is available on GoodNovel for all your reading pleasure. Updates will be ongoing, but currently you can read the first 17 chapters immediately. Best news is none of the chapters will cost anything to read, this book is completely free on the app. My gift to those who followed Dracovia from the beginning until now. Stay with me there is much more to come.

11th December 2020

Today I held my paperback in my hand for the first time xx Amazing xx Anyone curious or wanting a copy, simply head over to Amazon and search it's title: Dracovia The Awakening of The Old Magic (just Dracovia works as well 😘🤣) And for those who have kindle accounts please be wary, as the site has a tendency to select the Kindle version automatically when you first find it, so you will need to switch it over 🥰😘. Love to my readers and I promise to work hard over the coming weeks so that you are not kept waiting too long for book 2 😉

Paperback front